Chelsea Thompto: Transcoding the Message in a space of Opportunity

"Transcode is numerously trans, meaning it enacts and explores trans in its subjects, methods, themes, and forms." Chelsea Thompto, Transcode Manifesto

    Chelsea Thompto is a transdisciplinary artist and educator involved in relationships of art, trans studies, and technology in the contemporary world.  She uses coding to emphasize how technology, specifically AI, eliminates human beings' intimate interaction.  "Each step is less about the body and more about what can be extracted from it," Thompto expresses in her Landmarks Stages project.  This statement reaches a depth of understanding trans theory from Thompto's eyes; the AI's embedded algorithm deprives an individual of their unique and nonlinear journey. 
    Transcode is a language open to the space of movement and refuses constricted knowledge-based decisions.  The word 'trans' means 'across and beyond' with Thompto's voice and support from her trans community, she manipulates the coding to interrupt past forms of communication; so the outer global community can choose a fresh narrative by examining the "system of principles" placed into society and use our placement in space to open new pathways of expression.  
    Question: In what ways do you hope to see AI adapt from a prior desensitization of the human experience?


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