
Showing posts from March, 2021

Kelly Lindner, Gallery and Collections Curator at Sacramento State

     Kelly Lindner is the new addition to the Sacramento State University Galleries and the Art Department.  Before CSUS, she received her MA in Curatorial Studies and BA in History; through the years, her presence was found in collections and exhibitions throughout the bay area.  Lindner worked with CSU Chico from 2014 to 2019, and through the years, she helped promote many artists through solo and group exhibitions.  Her open mind allows different mediums to express the artist's contemporary work choice. Kelly Lindner's question would be; What inspires you to choose the artists or collections?      The University Galleries feature many artists; in the Else Gallery, Seongmin Yoo showcases her Malting Molting exhibition.  Seongmin Yoo Tube (detail 1) , 2020 Basket vines, silk embroidery thread, fabric, and needles      Seongmin Yoo Digesting Self (profile view) , 2020 Basket vines, handcrafted needles, and silk embroidery thread Seongmin Yoo Be A Rock , 2020 Handmade plastic wi

Returning to Mother's Roots

Image      In Hyperallergic news, on March 1, 2021, the global art, architecture, and scientific community received news about a project in the southern tropical rain forests of Mexico.  An ecological research museum will be constructed from a barren strip of land caused by illegal logging; however, Fernanda Raiz, founder, Mexican art collector, and environmental activist, envisioned an opportunity to recycle this location into a research museum.  The nonprofit organization Fundacion Raiz is a team consisting of ecologists, biologists, healers, and active members within the Ecuadorian and Peruvian indigenous communities; to conserve nature, educate, and re-establish healthy relationships with the Earth around us.  Their work is inspirational; check out the Caemba Program and witness the architectura